Monday, June 2, 2014

Highlander (TV Series)

Highlander (TV Series)


Synopsis - Jason plays an immortal. He's after Amanda (in her first appearance in the series), but makes a deal to spare Amanda's life after she promises to deliver Duncan MacLeod's head.
Released - First aired April 19, 1993 - Episode - "The Lady and the Tiger" 
Character - Zachary Blaine, aka Zachary Blount, Zak Montgomery (according to the Watcher database) <--yes, I'm a geek and went to Highlander conventions and bought things like this 
Accent - English (Received Pronunciation)
Good guy or bad boy? - Bad  
Bastard rating - 8 (compared to some of the other evil immortals on the series, he's not really that bad)Blood & Bullets - Swordplay, but no blood 
Costumes - Mostly black and blue. Wears a straight jacket (we won't even go there) and jeans. Nice overcoat (of course - he's an immortal). Blue suit. Stocking cap.
Pinky Ring? - No.  
Hair - short 
Other cast - Adrian Paul, Elizabeth Gracen, Stan Kirsch  
Squidge factor - High. Hey, there are swords. 'Nuf said. (8 out of 10) 
Death - Of course, he's an evil Immortal (although his name doesn't start with a 'K')
Favorite quotes - "I won't leave home without it." <-- (ok, so this is cheesy, but it's still funny ) * "Don't be funny. You tend to fall behind in prison."

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