Monday, June 2, 2014




Synopsis - The mother of all meteors is hurtling towards Earth. Dr. Quincy saves the planet. Ok, not really, but it was his idea . . . Fun mindless movie. Very nice performances all around. Great action. Spectacular special effects. 
Released - 1998 
Character - Dr. Ronald Quincy, "pretty much the smartest man on the planet" a.k.a. "Mr. Wizard" 
Accent - English (Home Counties - Berks, Bucks, Surrey or Herts) 
Good guy or bad boy? - Good (and really, really smart) 
Bastard rating - 0 (absolutely adorable - and smart) 
Blood & Bullets - Little. Rated PG-13. 
Costumes - Suit, tie, glasses. He really looks good in blue, and smart. 
Pinky Ring? - No, but a wedding ring. 
Hair - short 
Other cast - Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Steve Buscemi, Billy Bob Thornton (everyone is good in this movie) 
Squidge factor - Surprisingly high. Gotta love the brainy guys. He holds a coffee cup very nicely too. Just kinda cradles it in his hands . . . ok, sorry, where was I? Oh, and he's good with a meteor model and a remote control. We won't get into the 'laptop' jokes . . . Did I mention he was smart? (a solid 10) 
Death - Nope. 
Favorites Quotes - "The president's advisers are, ehm . . . wrong. I'm right" * "I know the President's Chief Scientific Adviser. We were at MIT together, and in a situation like this, you really don't want to take the advice of a man who got a C- in astrophysics." * "Imagine a firecracker in the palm of your hand. Set it off, what happens? You burn your hand, right? You close your fist around the same firecracker and set it off . . . pff. Your wife's going to be opening your ketchup bottles for the rest of your life."

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