Monday, June 2, 2014

Sweet November

Sweet November


Synopsis - Jason plays the gay neighbor (and good friend) to the quirky main character (Sara). To be honest, if Jason wasn't in this movie, I'd never watch it again. But he makes it worth watching. Thank you DVD scene selection. 
Released - 2001  
Character - Chaz/Cherry 
Accent - Scottish (wonderful)  
Good guy or bad boy? - Good, very good 
Bastard rating - 0 (no badass here, although he needs to make his own coffee . . .)  
Blood & Bullets - Nada. Rated PG-13 (some nudity). 
Costumes - Weeeellll, Chaz's clothes are nice (lots of layers, denim jacket over t-shirts, jeans, a nice ribbed sweater). Cherry's? You be the judge. The necklace has definitely got to go.  
Pinky Ring? - Chaz, yes, Cherry, no. 
Hair - Chaz - short, Cherry - Red.  
Other cast - Keanu Reeves (blech) and Charlize Theron (beautiful) 
Squidge factor - Very high & not so high. Again with the frelling coffee cup . . . (9 out 10 for Chaz - I am *not* rating Cherry)  
Death - Nope. 
Screen time - approximately 17 minutes, 53 seconds  
Favorites Quotes - Chaz - "Honestly? It tastes like camel piss." * "If I've learned anything, it's that you should have the people who love you, around you for as long as you possibly can." * "Very impressive set of pecs you've got there, Nelson." Cherry - "Ah, it's too late. We sold your dinner to the homeless." * "You're looking a wee bit peaky." * "This isn't a dress - it's a sequined sensation." * "You can talk about me when I'm gone." 

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