Monday, June 2, 2014

Event Horizon

Event Horizon

Synopsis: I truly hate this movie. The first time I saw it (1997), I declared it the worst movie I'd ever seen (that was before the Jason Isaacs 'thing'). Since then I've upgraded it to the worst SciFi movie I've ever seen. A title previously held by "Tammy and the T-Rex." At least Tammy makes me laugh at the sheer stupidity of it. Event Horizon just makes me grind my teeth. Ludicrous story with lots of expensive special effects.
Released - 1997
Character - D.J. - "trauma"
Accent - Hmmm, well . . . sounded Scottish at certain times, American at others, and also English - It was the space madness I tell you!
Good guy or bad boy? - Good
Bastard rating - 2 (not really a bastard, but he can 'take care' of things if he needs to)
Blood & Bullets - More blood and gore than any movie needs. Absolutely insane. Keep the kids away from this one. Rated R for "Really Craptacular"
Costumes - Nice jumpsuits (by John Mollo - Star Wars), *very* nice compression shorts
Pinky Ring? - Will check and see.
Hair - short
Other cast - Sam Neill, Sean Pertwee, Lawrence Fishburne, Kathleen Quinlin (all good - what a waste)
Squidge factor - Pretty damned high. Loses points for smoking a lot in a very confined space, gains them back for the shorts. D.J. is kinda grim (but he shares his cigarettes) - (8 out of 10)
Death - Yes. One of the worst ones in this movie. Extremely gruesome.
Favorite Quote - "Whoever sent that message, he sure believes in hell." (and you will if you see this movie as well)
Addendum - Just watched this again. Damn, but there's a lot of coffee in this film. D.J. doesn't drink from his cup (on his left on the conference table), but everyone else seems to be drinking it. And there are shiny silver thermoses galore. Not to mention a dirty coffee joke. Hmmmmm - may have to rethink this one . . .
Addendum #2 - I got to try on D.J.'s vest! How cool is that?! A friend bought it at auction and brought it to my house when we had "JasonFest" in 2003. I have photos.   :)

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