Thursday, January 15, 2015

I'll post more soon - check back

The West Wing

The West Wing 


Synopsis - Donna gets sent to Gaza on a 'fact-finding' mission. She meets Colin and naturally sleeps with him.
Released - Episodes "Gaza" (aired May 12, 2004) and "Memorial Day" (aired May 19, 2004). He'll be in the season premiere of "The West Wing" this fall as well.
Character - Colin Ayres, photojournalist
Accent - Ummm, well, mostly Irish.
Good guy or bad boy? - Good guy
Bastard rating - 2 - Nobody likes to have their photo taken when they're upside down and covered in blood.
Blood & Bullets - It's Gaza. There are bombs. A little blood is shown.
Costumes - Rumbled. Nice and comfy looking though. In order of appearance - "Gaza" - 1) Long sleeved oatmeal colored shirt with sleeves rolled up, white t-shirt, jeans; 2) Blue long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, olive t-shirt, khaki pants; 3) Same shirt as #1 with black t-shirt and khaki pants (my favorite); 4) Covered with some sheets (might be my favorite if we could actually *see* him; 5) Short-sleeved oatmeal shirt with olive t-shirt and khaki pants; 6) Same as #1. "Memorial Day," - Blue shirt, khaki pants. Jacket in second scene.
Pinky Ring? - Nah.
Hair - Perfect. Jason's own.
Other cast - Janel Maloney as Donna, the clueless internet junkie. Well, not entirely clueless. She does have sex with him. But in my opinion she spent way too much time working on the wrong laptop. "Let's see . . . should I check my e-mail or snuggle up with this gorgeous hunk of a guy? Ah heck, I might be missing a reply from Josh. I'll just log in for a minute." Nitwit.
Squidge factor - A solid 10. What a charmer. Loved the flirting.
Death - No. Can you believe it?
Favorites Quotes - "Here's to an old fashioned girl" * My favorite quote is Josh's response to Donna, when she asks, "Isn't he charming?" Josh - "Sure, in a bodice-ripping Heathcliff-on-the-moor, I'm-too-sexy-for-my-camera sort of way." Brilliant!
Media - Check YouTube.

The Heroic Legend of Arislan

The Heroic Legend of Arislan


Synopsis - Jason is the voice of Prince Lajendra in "The Heroic Legend of Arislan," a Japanese anime series. There are six parts to it. Part 1 and 2 are on separate videos, and parts 3 and 4 are together on one. And there's an additional video called "The Heroic Legend of Arislan: Age of Heroes" (parts 5 and 6). Jason's character is in Part 2. * Lajendra is the illegitimate son of King Karikara II of Shindra. He's vying for power with his older brother, Gardeep. Lajendra is captured by Arislan's people and he forms an alliance with the young prince. * I was not expecting to hear Jason with an Indian accent. Oddly enough, his brother and father didn't seem to have one. Guess it was from his mother's side (she was a slave in the palace). * Lajendra laughs all the time, which is annoying as hell, and he seems quite spoiled. He's a beautiful character though. Long black hair, brown skin and big light blue eyes (huh?).
Released - 1992 (Japanese Release) - 1993 (English Dubbed Version)
Character - Prince Lajendra
Accent - Indian
Good guy or bad boy? - "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn this way." Ok, he's mostly good, but a conniving little bastard.
Bastard rating -5
Blood & Bullets - Some animated blood. Lots of swords and arrows.
Costumes - Bright pink tunic, blue pants, white stole over his right shoulder. He also wears a red kumkum mark signifying valor and that he belongs to a warrior race.
Pinky Ring? - Don't think so.
Hair - Long black hair
Other cast / favorite characters - Daryoon and Narsus. Oh yeah, pretty anime boys with long hair.
Squidge factor - Well . . . ok . . . for an animated character he's pretty hot. But he thinks he's pretty hot himself, which greatly lowers the squidgieness of *anybody.* A 7?
Death - No.
Favorites Quotes - "It's a prince's duty to have a good time. Live the good life. Wine, women, song." * "Oh dear, oh dear. I'm in a proper pickle, aren't I?" * <Said to his brother, Gardeep - - > "But how come you weren't named as father's successor? Hmm? I'll tell you why - because you're wooden-headed, stubborn and thick. And you haven't got my good looks. So I suggest you just turn on your heels and leave before I mash you to a pulp, you unsightly thing!" 




Synopsis - Lots of fish. Lots of cards. Some dancing. Lots of kissing. Lots of singing. And most importantly, lots of Jason. Jason at his most charming. Ever. * I've thought about this a bit since the initial viewings. Would I like this film at all if Jason wasn't playing Charlie? Not so sure I would. Jason is what makes the movie watchable to me. You can't miss this if you're a JI fan though.
Released - 2003
Character - Charlie Beck, gambler
Accent - English
Good guy or bad boy? - Good guy (mostly).
Bastard rating - He's a bit truth-impaired, or candor-challenged, shall we say, but we'll forgive him just this once. All right, all right, a 5. Or a 6. With my eyes closed, a 7. Can't stand people who lie.
Blood & Bullets - None. * Icky dead fish though. Good thing they haven't invented 'Smell-o-vision' yet. * And check out his suitcase - crocodile (or alligator) embossed. Had to chuckle over that. Apparently a card shark can take on a crocodile more effectively than a pirate can.
Costumes - A nice suit and purple shirt combo. And lovely suit and tie at the end. * Yellow waders. How anyone can manage to look sexy in waders, I don't know, but he does. Combined with a black t-shirt and stocking cap. * Nice black leather jacket. * Bright, loud shirts. They don't rate very high on the squidge-o-meter. The bright blue one was nice though. Very flattering color. Cute baseball cap. * And a new weapon in his deadly arsenal of clothing . . . a white tank top. Quite devastating when paired with unsnapped and partially unzipped pants when he's alone on his motel bed.
Pinky Ring? - None.
Hair - Well . . . it's a wig, since he'd just done "Black Hawk Down." The burning question - How many wigs did they try on before they chose this one? Answer: Not nearly enough. I started to notice it less and less as the film went on though. And even less the more times I watch it.
Other cast - Sofia Milos (lovely), Emmy Rossum (cute as a button), Lupe Ontiveros, Theresa Russell, Seymour Cassel and Chris Tardio as Gianni (whoa - cute as a whole shirt-full of buttons).
Squidge factor - Wow. Revising my rating already. He's up to a 12. Charlie is funny, as well as charming. I love funny guys. * Now, I hear you ask . . . "is there sex?" I know, because that's the first thing I'd ask. This film has one of the most sensuous scenes in any Jason film. The food scene. Crikey. Finger-licking good indeed. I hope they put all that food away before . . . ok, never mind. * Lots (and I mean lots) of *very* sexy kissing. And nuzzling. Always a good thing. And a shirtless scene in bed (should be required in every JI film). But you have to use your imagination in this one (as if we don't already). * And there's one scene on the beach where his neck is mesmerizing. Geez, I think I'm starting a neck thing now . . . * Whistling with fingers. Again. Slight-of-hand coin trick. Again. The tongue over the lips move. Again. Still very cute though.
Death - No.
Favorites Quotes - "I'm quite good at it actually." * "I'll do anything. If you just let me be around you." * Phew! Well, I'm off to shave my head and join a monastery. How could I compete with that?" * Just, you know . . . quite good with my hands." * "Well, I was hoping we could all go skinny dipping." * "I like soup." * "Your fish are very . . . sexy." * "You're scary. You know, I know loan sharks more flexible than you." * "It's just a job. We are far more than what we do."
DVD - A most definite 'buy me.' How often can you find a project where Jason has top billing? Get the DVD, check out the alternate ending (original ending). It's hideous.*