Thursday, January 15, 2015

The West Wing

The West Wing 


Synopsis - Donna gets sent to Gaza on a 'fact-finding' mission. She meets Colin and naturally sleeps with him.
Released - Episodes "Gaza" (aired May 12, 2004) and "Memorial Day" (aired May 19, 2004). He'll be in the season premiere of "The West Wing" this fall as well.
Character - Colin Ayres, photojournalist
Accent - Ummm, well, mostly Irish.
Good guy or bad boy? - Good guy
Bastard rating - 2 - Nobody likes to have their photo taken when they're upside down and covered in blood.
Blood & Bullets - It's Gaza. There are bombs. A little blood is shown.
Costumes - Rumbled. Nice and comfy looking though. In order of appearance - "Gaza" - 1) Long sleeved oatmeal colored shirt with sleeves rolled up, white t-shirt, jeans; 2) Blue long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, olive t-shirt, khaki pants; 3) Same shirt as #1 with black t-shirt and khaki pants (my favorite); 4) Covered with some sheets (might be my favorite if we could actually *see* him; 5) Short-sleeved oatmeal shirt with olive t-shirt and khaki pants; 6) Same as #1. "Memorial Day," - Blue shirt, khaki pants. Jacket in second scene.
Pinky Ring? - Nah.
Hair - Perfect. Jason's own.
Other cast - Janel Maloney as Donna, the clueless internet junkie. Well, not entirely clueless. She does have sex with him. But in my opinion she spent way too much time working on the wrong laptop. "Let's see . . . should I check my e-mail or snuggle up with this gorgeous hunk of a guy? Ah heck, I might be missing a reply from Josh. I'll just log in for a minute." Nitwit.
Squidge factor - A solid 10. What a charmer. Loved the flirting.
Death - No. Can you believe it?
Favorites Quotes - "Here's to an old fashioned girl" * My favorite quote is Josh's response to Donna, when she asks, "Isn't he charming?" Josh - "Sure, in a bodice-ripping Heathcliff-on-the-moor, I'm-too-sexy-for-my-camera sort of way." Brilliant!
Media - Check YouTube.

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