Thursday, January 15, 2015




Synopsis - Interesting mini-series about John Ashenden, Somerset Maugham's alter-ego from World War I, the creation of the British Secret Service and counter-intelligence agencies. BUT, apparently I got a hold of the *edited* American version, so there's only *20 freakin' seconds* of Jason in it.
Released - 1991 (4-part TV mini-series)
Character - Andrew Lehman (this isn't listed on the imdb) in parts one (The Dark Woman) and four (The Hairless Mexican)
Accent - English, I would guess
Good guy or bad boy? - Good guy, I would guess
Bastard rating - I have *no* bloody idea
Blood & Bullets - A bit. It is about WWI after all.
Costumes - He's wearing a suit (circa 1910-1920).
Pinky Ring? - Who can tell? He's too far in the background.
Hair - short
Other cast - Alex Jennings as Ashenden
Squidge factor - Well looks cute in the background. Very animated. Very into his conversation. Has lots of hair. Even for 20 seconds, he's adorable.
Death - No.
Screentime - approximately 20 seconds in part one, he's in the background at a party, and cut out entirely of part four.
Favorites Quotes - I wouldn't know, damnit. 
Video/DVD - If you want to see it for Jason, you'll be very disappointed, unless you can get your hands on the original version, and not the one that ran on A&E.

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