Thursday, January 15, 2015




Synopsis - Series about a sergeant (Frank) who leaves the army for civilian life (civvies). Frank is a grim sort. Very out of his element outside the army. Heartbreaking really. He only seems happy in the flashbacks with his buddies. He shuts his wife out almost completely. Jason is brilliant in this. Totally convincing as Frank.
Released - 1992 (but he looks older in it)
Character - Frank Dillon, hard core Army guy
Accent - English (East London)
Good guy or bad boy? - Good guy (kinda)
Bastard rating - 5 - He's a badass, but good-hearted. Gets bastard points for shoving his wife around, yelling at his kids and shagging a stranger in a hotel. But he's loyal to his disabled friend, Steve.
Blood & Bullets - Yes, some blood. Great fistfight in part three. Frank ends up getting very banged up. But he wins!
Costumes - Camoflage & red beret (hot), *really* nice boxer shorts (I like these better than the ones in Event Horizon), sweatsuit, sleeveless t-shirt (for weight lifting), black outfit in part three with a camoflage jacket and black stocking cap (very hot), big tattoo on his left bicep, smaller tattoo (heart & sword I believe) on his left forearm, some sort of tattoo or injury on his neck
Pinky Ring? - Will check.
Hair - short hair, full mustache
Other cast - Peter Howitt (Steve) - good, Peter O'Toole - part 1 & 2, John Hannah - part 3
Squidge factor - Great scene with just boxer shorts in bed with his wife. A few pretty hot scenes (although very short) - two with his wife, one with a stranger in a hotel, when he shags her behind closed doors (it figures). Lifts weights (yeow) with his friend. Didn't like the mustache at first, but by part three he was looking pretty Tom Selleck-y to me. I wouldn't want to be married to this guy, but I'd most *definitely* shag him in a hotel in Scotland (or anywhere else for that matter). The scar on his face didn't bother me. And oh yeah, he makes tea for his wife! Ugly cups, but still . . . (8 out of 10)
Death - No! Yay!
Favorites Quotes - "We used to pride ourselves. We were the toughest. The best of fightin' men. They wanna change it all. Change our image. It was my life. My lads. I got as far as I could go. As far as they let someone like me go. Yes men. That's what they want now. Yes men. They don't want soldiers. They want blokes with good education. The Falklands were the best time in my life. Everything we trained for, came together. Same for all of us. Everything I was made sense." 
DVD - Try really hard to find this one - he is definitely the star of this piece

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