Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Heroic Legend of Arislan

The Heroic Legend of Arislan


Synopsis - Jason is the voice of Prince Lajendra in "The Heroic Legend of Arislan," a Japanese anime series. There are six parts to it. Part 1 and 2 are on separate videos, and parts 3 and 4 are together on one. And there's an additional video called "The Heroic Legend of Arislan: Age of Heroes" (parts 5 and 6). Jason's character is in Part 2. * Lajendra is the illegitimate son of King Karikara II of Shindra. He's vying for power with his older brother, Gardeep. Lajendra is captured by Arislan's people and he forms an alliance with the young prince. * I was not expecting to hear Jason with an Indian accent. Oddly enough, his brother and father didn't seem to have one. Guess it was from his mother's side (she was a slave in the palace). * Lajendra laughs all the time, which is annoying as hell, and he seems quite spoiled. He's a beautiful character though. Long black hair, brown skin and big light blue eyes (huh?).
Released - 1992 (Japanese Release) - 1993 (English Dubbed Version)
Character - Prince Lajendra
Accent - Indian
Good guy or bad boy? - "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn this way." Ok, he's mostly good, but a conniving little bastard.
Bastard rating -5
Blood & Bullets - Some animated blood. Lots of swords and arrows.
Costumes - Bright pink tunic, blue pants, white stole over his right shoulder. He also wears a red kumkum mark signifying valor and that he belongs to a warrior race.
Pinky Ring? - Don't think so.
Hair - Long black hair
Other cast / favorite characters - Daryoon and Narsus. Oh yeah, pretty anime boys with long hair.
Squidge factor - Well . . . ok . . . for an animated character he's pretty hot. But he thinks he's pretty hot himself, which greatly lowers the squidgieness of *anybody.* A 7?
Death - No.
Favorites Quotes - "It's a prince's duty to have a good time. Live the good life. Wine, women, song." * "Oh dear, oh dear. I'm in a proper pickle, aren't I?" * <Said to his brother, Gardeep - - > "But how come you weren't named as father's successor? Hmm? I'll tell you why - because you're wooden-headed, stubborn and thick. And you haven't got my good looks. So I suggest you just turn on your heels and leave before I mash you to a pulp, you unsightly thing!" 

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