Thursday, January 15, 2015

Loved Up

Art by Diane Taurins (me)

Loved Up


Synopsis - London. Lots of drugs. While it's no "Trainspotting," it was interesting and I liked the characters.
Released - 1995
Character - Dez 2, drug dealer
Accent - English (Essex)
Good guy or bad boy? - Scum bag
Bastard rating - 9 - Dez is charming some of the time. But there's that drug dealing thing. And the attempted rape. Ok, so he's actually a loser. Sheesh, I can't help it - he turns me on. It must have been the tea drinking close-up with the big silver rings. I know, I know. Stop looking at me like that!
Blood & Bullets - A bit of blood
Costumes - Jeans, t-shirts, hooded sweatshirt, ugly stocking cap and an extremely cute Kangol hat worn backwards with a little kangaroo on it (I really want one of these)
Pinky Ring? - Yes!
Hair - short hair, goatee
Other cast - Ian Hart (goes on to become a professor at Hogwarts) and Lena Headey (both good)
Squidge factor - Remember when I said that the goatee had possibilities? (Dragonheart) I was right - it does. But this is a hard one. Dez is pretty scummy, but damn, he has an earring in his left ear, a piercing in his left eyebrow, an ear cuff on his right ear, a tattoo encircling his right bicep, and a goatee. But Jason looks really thin in this. Not disturbingly thin like Ewan McGregor in "Trainspotting," but pretty thin, none-the-less. (8 out of 10)
Death - No
Favorites Quotes - "I wanna have sex with ya." <-- (Does anyone have a soundbite of this? Just kidding. Kinda. What??!!) 
Video/DVD - Try to find a copy. He looks cool in this.

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