Thursday, January 15, 2015




Synopsis - I'm not a huge fan of war movies, but this isn't half bad (which means it's not half good either). It's rather melodramatic (mostly due to Nicholas Cage). They covered this subject (Navajo used as codetalkers during WWII) with more interest on "The X-Files." 
Released - 2002  
Character - Major Mellitz 
Accent - American (nice job)
Good guy or bad boy? - Good guy
Bastard rating - 1 (because he's so grim)
Blood & Bullets - Loads of both. And I've never seen quite so many soldiers flying through the air (it got rather ludicrous after a while).
Costumes - Spiffy uniform, but the shirt! Could they have picked an uglier shade of green? Not Jason's best color (that would be blue, by-the-way).
Pinky Ring? - No, military guy.
Hair - short
Other cast - Nicholas Cage (yikes, not good), Christian Slater (charming), Adam Beach as Ben Yahzee, one of the "Windtalkers" (not the world's best actor, but really likeable).
Squidge factor - hmmmm - while the uniform is nice, Mellitz seems a pretty humorless sort (6 out 10).
Death - No, he's hanging out in Hawaii (Whoa! Eight movies in a row where he hasn't died - we're on a roll!).
Screentime - approximately 3 minutes - but they're an important 3 minutes, as Mellitz pretty much explains the whole movie to you right there in his office (end of chapter 4 on your DVD scene selection - best to go to chapter 5 and rewind a tiny bit)
Favorites Quotes - "Public school boy myself." 
Video/DVD - Rent it (maybe) or wait for cable

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