Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Relative Stranger

A Relative Stranger


Synopsis - Peter Fraiman wakes up to find he can't remember the last 20 years of his life. Jason Isaacs was outstanding in this. I don't think I've ever seen someone look so lost and confused. He was amazing.
Released - 1995
Character - Peter Fraiman
Accent - English (West Yorkshire)
Good guy or bad boy? - Good guy
Bastard rating - 0 (I should give him a '1' for almost shagging his ex-girlfriend, and ignoring his wife, but he was *really* confused, and damnit, just needed a good hug (or two or three), or a massage . . . ok, sorry
Blood & Bullets - Nada.
Costumes - Just jeans (whoa), nothing (even better), cute jammies, loose comfortable clothes
Pinky Ring? - Sorry, gotta check.
Hair - Three different looks - starts out in 1975 with long, below shoulder-length, curly hair, no facial hair. Very Peter Frampton-y. Looks like he belongs in a heavy metal band. Flash forward to 1995, he has short hair and a full beard and mustache (it's ugly because it looks so fake). Fortunately he shaves and looks like Jason again.
Other cast - Ioan Gruffudd does a *great* job as Peter's son, Nigel. Their scenes together are *wonderful.* There's one scene where they're standing together and looking in the same direction and they really look like they could be father and son. It's cool.
Squidge factor - Oh very funny - send me a video I haven't seen and have read nothing about, and don't warn me. It's quite a shock to the system to see naked Jason if you're not expecting it. I suspect it's a shock to the system even if you are expecting it. Man, but he has a nice backside (great back and shoulders, wonderful arms, really nice butt). It's during a scene with his girlfriend and he's helping her with her anatomy lesson. He's laying on his stomach (naked) and reading from an anatomy book. He calls out the body part and she touches it. Did I mention he was naked? (I'll never be able to open "Anatomy for Artists" again without thinking of this scene). More shirtless scenes with jeans and the long hair. Pretty hot 'almost sex' scene for older Peter. There's tugging at clothes and such. (Peter gets a10 out of 10 - just because there's so much of him in this movie). What??! He also does a sleight-of-hand magic trick that's *very* cool. Again with the great hands (writes left-handed too).
Death - No (Yipee! Five movies in a row where he hasn't died - how refreshing!)
Favorites Quotes - "Do ya know there's a place in Sweden called 'A'? Just that one letter. Right, there's a place in America called 'B.' I was thinking we could do an alphabetical tour of the world." * "Ooooh, do that again." * "I think you should press your obicularis oris against my obicularis oris." <--- (that's the *mouth* people) * "I think you should marry me." 
Video/DVD - Try to find a copy. He is brilliant in this.

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