Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dangerous Lady

Dangerous Lady

Art above by Diane Taurins (me).

Synopsis - Wow, just when I think I've seen his best work, I find something like this. Simply amazing performance by Jason Isaacs. This is the story of the Ryan family in gangland London in the 50s and 60s. Mickey Ryan rules as King of the organized crime world. But he's had an unhappy past and no prospects for a happier future. My heart was breaking for this character. Mickey needs a Chaz to tell him, "Here come 'ere. Give us a cuddle."
Released - 1995
Character - Michael "Mickey" Ryan, gangster, doting big brother
Accent - English (Central London)
Good guy or bad boy? - Oh yeah, definitely bad (but you can understand why after you see this)
Bastard rating - 9 (this is a hard one - but yeah, a 9)
Blood & Bullets - Yes, lots of blood and violence. And I may be scarred for life after from seeing Jason do the 'hokey pokey.' <shudder>
Costumes - Early 60s suits, long leather jacket (*very* nice), suspenders (!), great dress coat, nothing but a sheet.
Pinky Ring? - Yes!
Hair - A little longer on top. Very dark. Extremely cute.
Other cast - Susan Lynch, Sheila Hancock
Squidge factor - High. Another character with attitude. And there's a scene in bed with satin sheets. Damned sheets. Of course he's in bed with a guy . . . oh well. And there's dancing! Love to see him dancing (except the aforementioned 'hokey pokey'). No coffee, but loads of drinking (it's definitely the hands) . . . (Mickey is a 10)
Death - Yes, but it makes sense.
Favorites Quotes - In response to 'do you know what they say about you?': "Yeah. That I'm a violent, perverted bender. But nobody says it to
my face. Nobody." * ""Even cheap whores want paying. And I ain't cheap." * "You don't need help from me to look like an idiot."

Video/DVD - Yes. Buy the DVD if you can find it. Try This is a must have if you're a JI fan. It's #1 on the list of things to buy. 

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