Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Last Minute

The Last Minute


Synopsis - Well . . . I didn't hate it. It was weird, but about 100 times more visually appealing than "Hotel." And it at least tried to have a story. I wouldn't go so far as to say, 'plot,' but it made sense. At times. * I liked the whole idea behind the main character, Billy Byrne, being the "next big thing." They never tell you what he is - an artist, a musician, a graphic designer, an actor, a writer, a web guru. It's up to you to decide. * The whole point is that fame is fleeting. You're on top one minute and people are bored with you the next. Billy goes from king-of-the-hill to an Oliver Twist-ed drug-addicted member of a gang run by a Fagin-like character named Shanks. * Jason plays Percy, a very evil guy. He's got a scar that runs through his upper and lower lips. I guess to make him look more sinister, although he doesn't need any help. He looks completely crazed when he goes after Shanks in the underground tunnels.
Released - July 29, 2003
Character - Dave "Percy" Sledge
Accents - English (Cockney)
Good guy or bad boy? - Evil sledgehammer-wielding maniac
Bastard rating - 12 out of 10 (like an angry, singing and dancing Pat Keegan on crack)
Blood & Bullets - Lots. And Percy shoots a kid. The bastard. After the kid's hairless, mutant dog thingee attacks him. Guns, knives and a 'lovely big sledgehammer.' Rated 'R.'
Costumes - Black. Suit and mock turtleneck. Shiny black shoes. Black gloves.
Pinky Ring? - Yes!
Hair - Short. Very nice.
Other cast - Max Beesley as Billy, Tom Bell as Shanks
Squidge factor - 9 (because of the dancing). Let's just say I sat there with my mouth hanging open like a complete moron. He actually managed to surprise me once again. The man can really dance. He didn't convince me in "The Tuxedo," but there's no doubt about it here. Good gawd, sparks even fly from his shoes. There's a wonderful high kick, a great twirl, and hip thrusts. Very impressive. Especially the hip thrusts. * He lip synchs "I've Got You Under My Skin" (Frank Sinatra), and "When a Man Loves a Woman" (Percy Sledge). And he really gets into it. The hand movements are great. * There's head cocking, eyebrow-lifting, a wink and a kiss. My feelings were pretty much echoed in the faces of the women watching him perform in the film. Big eyes, glazed expressions, slack jaws. * There's no coffee, but he keeps his hands busy. There are snapping fingers, drinks, a microphone and the sledgehammer of course. And man, can he swing a hammer! * There's also smoking. Only Jason can make smoking look sexy to me. And that's saying a lot. Especially the close-up in the end credits when he slowly inhales, looks right at the camera, smiles and raises his eyebrows a tad. Yikes. That's a killer shot.
Death - Nope, he's the 'next big thing'
Favorites Quotes - After jamming his microphone between the woman's legs, "I'll be back for that. Keep it warm." * "Put the fucking kettle on! Percy's here."
Video/DVD - Buy it. It's worth it to see him 'sing' and dance. And there's lots of extras. The DVD is very well done. Graphically interesting. He's in scenes 7, 21 & 22 and the end credits. As well as many of the extra bits.

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