Thursday, January 15, 2015

Resident Evil

Resident Evil


Synopsis - From my "Event Horizon" review, I bet you thought I'd hate this, didn't you? I thought it was *much* better then "Event Horizon." Kind of a modern version of "Night of the Living Dead." Fun horror movie.
Released - 2002
Character - Evil Scientist Doctor Dude
Accent - American
Good guy or bad boy? - Evil scientist
Bastard rating - 8 - pretty high for the short time he's in it (maybe I just have this thing against surgical masks)
Blood & Bullets - Lots of blood and gore. Lots of bullets and other weapons.
Costumes - Surgical gear and biohazard suit
Pinky Ring? - No, come on, he's a surgeon!
Other cast - Milla Jovovich and lots of really nice looking guys
Squidge factor - Well geez, all you can see are his eyes. Still . . . check out this photo. His eyes are gorgeous. A 10 for his eyes alone.
Death - No, hopefully he'll be back in the sequel
Screentime - You actually only see his face (his eyes) for 2 seconds. But he does the opening narration as well.
Favorites Quotes - "Just do it." 
Video/DVD - Rent it

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