Thursday, January 15, 2015

Inspector Morse (TV Series)

Inspector Morse (TV series)


Synopsis - Detective series. Morse investigates the suicide of his niece and two other teens.
Released - First aired April 15, 1992 - Episode - "Cerubim and Seraphim"

Character - Dr. Desmond Collier (aka "Evil Bastard")

Accent - English - (somewhere between Liverpool and Manchester - it fluctuates madly)

Good guy or bad boy? - Morse calls him "Evil Bastard" for good reason

Bastard rating - 9 (see below)

Blood & Bullets - No, but the episode deals with teenage suicide and drug use

Costumes - Lab coat, suit, New Orleans Saints cap and puffy black down jacket (apparently he shops at the same stores that Pat Keegan does)

Pinky Ring? - Nope.

Hair - short

Other cast - John Thaw (Morse) - I liked him

Squidge factor - Jason was very cute back in 1992, but this is a vile character. He sells drugs to teenagers and then stands back and watches their reactions like they're a bunch of lab rats. Ok, so I'm the mother of a teenager and I'd like to kick Collier's ass. Still . . . there's a *close-up* of him about to take a sip from a very attractive cup. This coffee/tea thing is getting weird. He's taunting me. (8 out of 10)

Death - Yes, but damnit, I wanted to see his pissed-off, indignant face when he was caught. Instead his car crashes into a tree and explodes into a huge fireball. Conclusion - stay away from cars when you're wearing down jackets, Jason. If the director wants you to wear a down jacket, tell him/her "I'm allergic to feathers." Seriously. It means your character is going to die. In a car.

Favorites Quotes - "What a drag." 
DVD - Buy it.

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