Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Fix

The Fix


Synopsis - Early 60s. Newspaper reporter uncovers football scandal. Ex-footballer (Jimmy Gauld) is bribing players to throw matches and cleaning up on bets made with the 'legitimate' bookies. Tony Kay (Jason Isaacs) isn't throwing the games himself, but he's betting on games that he knows have been rigged. This particular dramatization did little to put Kay in a sympathic light. If Jason hadn't been playing Tony, I wouldn't have had *any* sympathy for this guy at all. What a sleeze. But a cute sleeze. Tony Kay ends up getting four months in prison and is banned from professional football for life.
Released - 1997
Character - Tony Kay (egotistical, drunken, horny footballer)
Accent - English (Sheffield - also Yorks but a bit further south)
Good guy or bad boy? - Bad boy
Bastard rating - 9 (only because he didn't kill anyone). Drinks a lot. Cheats on his wife. Fucks a 16-year-old in the back of his car. (Dude, you're supposed to ask how old they are *first* - sheesh). Bets on his own soccer game when he knows it's been rigged.
Blood & Bullets - None
Costumes - Damn. Men in shorts. How can you go wrong? By not showing Jason in shorts, that's how! I've never seen the top half of so many soccer players in my life. WTF? Just a couple of really brief glances or hints of him in shorts. At least the short-sleeved jersies (?) are cute. And when they do show him practicing with teammates, he's wearing baggy sweatpants. Well, not entirely baggy. Ok, they're actually pretty nice sweatpants. But my favorite outfit is the white shirt with suspenders and tie. Love suspenders on Jason. And he does unbutton his shirt and take it off at one point . . .
Pinky Ring? - Yes.
Hair - short, but a little longer on top (*really* cute hair)
Other cast - Steve Coogan, Michael Elphick, Maggie O'Neill
Squidge factor - 10 out of 10 - (he may be a jerk, but damn). Sex scene in his Jaguar (with that slutty 16-year-old) and brief, but very hot scene in the kitchen with his wife (no coffee or tea cups in sight either). Although there is a tea scene one morning when he's hung over and drinking his tea outside while reading the paper. Oh yeah. Writes left-handed again too. Have I mentioned recently how nice his hands are? <stops to check the review above> Ok, so I have. Well, they are really nice. And adding even more to his squidge rating --> if I hear Jason moan during one more sex scene I think my head's going to explode. Yes, there's that moaning/groaning/grunting sound again. Crikey, but he does that well. Too well.
Death - No -11 in a row - but this streak has got to end soon - I still have "Soldier" waiting to be watched so I know what's coming. (Damn you, Paul Anderson!).
Favorites Quotes - "Shit, shit, shit!" (when he's frantically trying to get away from the cop on the bike - with the naked 16-year-old on the seat beside him - and his car stuck in a hole) - heeheeeeeeee - he so deserves this scene. 
Media - It's on YouTube!

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