Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Last Don II (TV mini-series)

The Last Don II (TV mini-series)


Synopsis - This sucked pond water. And not just regular pond water, but nasty, stinking pond water with floating, dead, bloated fish on top. This is one of the most painful things I've ever watched. Ok, so I didn't actually watch all of it. I made very good use of the fast-forward button on the ReplayTV (and then just taped off the Jason bits onto video). Believe me, it's the way to go.
Released - 1998
Character - Father Luca Tonarini
Accent - Oooh, boy, that's a hard one. American - all up and down the eastern seaboard really. And a raspiness to his voice that was really annoying. Sorry, Jason.
Good guy or bad boy? - Yes <g>
Bastard rating - 3 (1 point for being so naive and stupid , 1 point for having such poor taste in women, and another point for caving in on the plans to run away with Kirstie Alley (although he really should gain points for this))
Blood & Bullets - Yep, lots
Costumes - Priestly garb, jeans and black jacket, and nothing (in that order).
Pinky Ring? - No.
Hair - short
Other cast - Kirstie Alley in the most mind-numbingly bad acting I've ever seen. Jason should be given a special award for not breaking down in a fit of laughter in his scenes with her. Seriously - a huge trophy or a medal at least.
Squidge factor - High, he tears off his shirt, there's a sex scene (if you want to call it that), and ice skating! Gotta love the ice skating. No coffee. (7 out of 10)
Death - Yes, shit. Worthwhile to just turn the thing off at that point. This death thing is really getting old.
Screentime - approximately 27 minutes, 21 seconds
Favorites Quotes - "Well, who's going to question a man of the cloth?" * "It takes work to save a soul." (Ok, I just picked these two - there really isn't any good dialogue in the whole damned thing)

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