Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Tall Guy

The Tall Guy


Synopsis - Goofy movie about an American working as a straight man for a comic in England. The best part is the ridiculous production of "Elephant," a musical adaptation of "The Elephant Man." And the tease that the director would next be doing "Dirty Dick," a musical adaptation of "Richard III," with the breakout hit, "I've a hunch I'm gonna be king." <-- I told you I was easily amused
Released - 1989
Character - Doctor #2
Accent - English (Received Pronunciation)
Good guy or bad boy? - I assume he's a good guy, but maybe he goes on to work the Umbrella Corporation (see Resident Evil)
Bastard rating - 0
Blood & Bullets - Nope. Rated R for nudity.
Costumes - Cheap, wrinkly surgeon's scrubs and mask (unlike the hi-tech stuff in Resident Evil).
Pinky Ring? - No, surgeon again. You'd want him to drop it in you?
Hair - Who knows? It's covered.
Other cast - Jeff Goldblum, Rowan Atkinson and Emma Thompson
Squidge factor - 5 (again with the surgical mask, but they don't make good use of his eyes like they do in Resident Evil)
Death - No
Screentime - Approximately 21 seconds (really).
Favorites Quotes - "You mean the patient's . . . spineless." <-- this is 1/2 of his total dialogue. I kid you not. 
Video/DVD - Buy it if you're a Jeff Goldblum or Emma Thompson fan. Maybe if you're a Rowan Atkinson fan (although it's not as fun as Blackadder or Mr. Bean). Don't even bother with this one if you're not.

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