Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mild & Bitter

Mild & Bitter


Synopsis - short film about four guys on a bicycle trip to find all the best pubs in England apparently. No, actually it's about an encounter between this quiet, waifish woman and a charming stranger (Blake) on said bicycle trip.
Released - 1998
Character - Sid Blake
Accent - English (Yorkshire with Derbyshire overtones)
Good guy or bad boy? - Flirty good guy
Bastard rating - 5 (Just because he's such a merciless tease. It would be higher, but he doesn't whine like the other guys when they don't get any beer. Geez, they're pathetic. Grow up already!)
Blood & Bullets - Neither
Costumes - Cute cap, sweater vest and trousers with bicycle bands
Pinky Ring? - Yes! This is where the whole "Pinky Ring" category came from.
Hair - short
Other cast - Anne-Marie Duff
Squidge factor - Very cute. Very flirty. Very sexy in just 13 minutes. Gets lots of points for the sleight-of-hand magic trick. If I'd been the woman, I'd have sent the kid off to feed the chickens and jumped his bones. * And there's *tea.* Loads of tea. Yes, it's officially a conspiracy to drive me mad. 10 out of 10 points because Mr. Blake shows us what he can do with his hands (oh please, like you weren't thinking the same thing).
Death - No.
Screentime - The whole thing is only 13 minutes long. Jason's in most of it.
Favorites Quotes - "Where's the nearest pub?" (very useful phrase) 
Media - It's on YouTube!

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