Thursday, January 15, 2015




Synopsis - Lots of fish. Lots of cards. Some dancing. Lots of kissing. Lots of singing. And most importantly, lots of Jason. Jason at his most charming. Ever. * I've thought about this a bit since the initial viewings. Would I like this film at all if Jason wasn't playing Charlie? Not so sure I would. Jason is what makes the movie watchable to me. You can't miss this if you're a JI fan though.
Released - 2003
Character - Charlie Beck, gambler
Accent - English
Good guy or bad boy? - Good guy (mostly).
Bastard rating - He's a bit truth-impaired, or candor-challenged, shall we say, but we'll forgive him just this once. All right, all right, a 5. Or a 6. With my eyes closed, a 7. Can't stand people who lie.
Blood & Bullets - None. * Icky dead fish though. Good thing they haven't invented 'Smell-o-vision' yet. * And check out his suitcase - crocodile (or alligator) embossed. Had to chuckle over that. Apparently a card shark can take on a crocodile more effectively than a pirate can.
Costumes - A nice suit and purple shirt combo. And lovely suit and tie at the end. * Yellow waders. How anyone can manage to look sexy in waders, I don't know, but he does. Combined with a black t-shirt and stocking cap. * Nice black leather jacket. * Bright, loud shirts. They don't rate very high on the squidge-o-meter. The bright blue one was nice though. Very flattering color. Cute baseball cap. * And a new weapon in his deadly arsenal of clothing . . . a white tank top. Quite devastating when paired with unsnapped and partially unzipped pants when he's alone on his motel bed.
Pinky Ring? - None.
Hair - Well . . . it's a wig, since he'd just done "Black Hawk Down." The burning question - How many wigs did they try on before they chose this one? Answer: Not nearly enough. I started to notice it less and less as the film went on though. And even less the more times I watch it.
Other cast - Sofia Milos (lovely), Emmy Rossum (cute as a button), Lupe Ontiveros, Theresa Russell, Seymour Cassel and Chris Tardio as Gianni (whoa - cute as a whole shirt-full of buttons).
Squidge factor - Wow. Revising my rating already. He's up to a 12. Charlie is funny, as well as charming. I love funny guys. * Now, I hear you ask . . . "is there sex?" I know, because that's the first thing I'd ask. This film has one of the most sensuous scenes in any Jason film. The food scene. Crikey. Finger-licking good indeed. I hope they put all that food away before . . . ok, never mind. * Lots (and I mean lots) of *very* sexy kissing. And nuzzling. Always a good thing. And a shirtless scene in bed (should be required in every JI film). But you have to use your imagination in this one (as if we don't already). * And there's one scene on the beach where his neck is mesmerizing. Geez, I think I'm starting a neck thing now . . . * Whistling with fingers. Again. Slight-of-hand coin trick. Again. The tongue over the lips move. Again. Still very cute though.
Death - No.
Favorites Quotes - "I'm quite good at it actually." * "I'll do anything. If you just let me be around you." * Phew! Well, I'm off to shave my head and join a monastery. How could I compete with that?" * Just, you know . . . quite good with my hands." * "Well, I was hoping we could all go skinny dipping." * "I like soup." * "Your fish are very . . . sexy." * "You're scary. You know, I know loan sharks more flexible than you." * "It's just a job. We are far more than what we do."
DVD - A most definite 'buy me.' How often can you find a project where Jason has top billing? Get the DVD, check out the alternate ending (original ending). It's hideous.* 

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